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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I expect in a therapy session?
    At LEVE Counseling you are will have the opportunity to discuss your primary concerns and how they impact your life. Basically, outline the reason why you believe you are seeking therapy. A session can last from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the overall assessment. Some individuals who are experience a crisis or in extreme distress need an immedate session or more than one session per week, at least until you reach a level of stability. Each session is taylored to the needs of the clients and it is highly recommended that you take the time to process the discussion. To be honest therapy will not work if you are not actively engaged.
  • What are some of the benefits I can expect to receive working with LEVE Counseling?
    There are many benefits to working with LEVE Counseling. We offer a judgement free safe space for all and will assist you in identifying a treatment plan that works best for you. You get the opportunity to make a connection where your only obligation is to be your true self. Doing this will bring a different view of a difficult problem or a solution that you were unable to see prior to therapy. At LEVE Counseling you have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of who you are, your goals, self -confidence, and the values that may have been hidded behind everything that was blocking your view. Collaboratively you will learn and apply the methods dicuss to effectively manage anxiety, use new coping strategies, improve your communication and listening skills and most importantly how to remove yourself from an unhealthy lifestyle or situation.
  • How do I know that what we discuss is confidential?
    Information is not disclosed without written permission. The exceptions to this rule are: Suspected child abuse or elder abuse. As a licensed healthcare professional we are mandated by law to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities immediately. If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s. As a licensed healthcare professional we are mandated by law to report any suspected abuse to the police and inform the intended victim. If a client intends to harm themselves, Leve Counseling will make every effort work with the client to ensure their safety. Alternative option if unsuccessful will be to take the necessary measures without their permission to ensure that they are safe.
  • How does the teletherapy sessions work?
    Please navigate to the top of the page and click on Virtual Sessions. It will explain the entire process. If you have additional questions feel free to inquire about them during your free 30 minute consultation or send an email to Magdala Nelson is a licensed therapist that will be responding to all inquiries regarding virtual therapy.
  • Do you accept my insurance?
    This is a very important question as services rendered must be paid at the time they are received. If you navigate to our Insurance and Fees Page at top of the page under services, you will see the list of insurances accepted. Some key questions to ask your insurance provider are: Do I have behavioral health benefits? Is there a deductible? If yes, has it been met? How many sessions does my plan cover? What is my out of pocket expense if my therapist is out of network? Do I need prior authorization from the insurance, referral from my PCP or both? Do I have a copayment? Am I able to get reimbursed, if yes how does that work?
  • How do I make cash payments and what are the policies?
    Cash payments are to be provided before each session using Zelle or PayPal. For Zelle and PayPal you will reference the phone number provided (347) 683-5094. If payment is not received at the time of request, the appointment will be rescheduled.
  • Does Leve Counseling offer a sliding scale?
    LEVE Counseling is committed to providing services to all that the need it. Please let me know your financial constraints during your free 30 minute consultation and we will discuss your options. Reduces fees are available on a case by case basis.
  • Does LEVE Counseling have a policy regarding Cancellation?
    We understand that treatment is an investment of time, effort and money. However, after three missed appointments with no communication, you will not be billed and services will be terminated. If you are interested in resuming services and are able to commit to the appointments you can do so after six months. There are no exceptions to this rule because there are individuals who are in need of assistance and it is unfair to occupy time slots by those who are still deciding if therapy is for them.
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